Decreased potency is a serious problem for a man and his partner. Violations in sex can lead to depression and self-doubt, loss of enjoyment of life, deterioration of all the organs and systems of the body, which manifests itself in various illnesses.

It is better to select treatment methods for this condition with the help of a specialist as it is safer and more effective. But most of the time men want to restore the body's work on their own, using old recipes. So let's see how to increase potency with folk remedies at home.
why power decreases
Today, men most often with erectile dysfunction, decreased libido and sperm quality are faced after age 40, slightly less often at a young age. Experts call the most common factors in power reduction:
- improper lifestyle, including sedentary lifestyle, smoking and alcohol, unbalanced diet;
- psychological conditions, eg stress and overwork, depression, self-doubt;
- harmful and harmful working conditions, excessive stress on the body;
- acute and chronic illnesses, as well as the ingestion of certain medications.
Traditional healers are able to suggest many options on how to increase potency at home. The most commonly used tools are:
- decoctions and teas;
- tinctures in alcohol, vodka, oil, water;
- add to daily diet as food.
Selection of a remedy to restore a good erection and libido should be done in conjunction with a specialist after the exam. This will allow you to discover the cause of the breach in a timely manner, eliminate it if possible, and take the necessary steps to restore health. Self-medication can lead to complications and deterioration in a person's health status, as well as irreversible tissue changes, which threaten impotence and infertility.
First among folk recipes on how to increase potency at home, there are always food products. They are also called aphrodisiacs and are recommended to be included in the diet as a prevention of various health problems.

Among the most common, nutritionists and traditional healers especially note the following:
For maximum benefit, try eating small meals 4-5 times a day. Completely abandon alcohol, sugary soft drinks, fast food, sausages and smoked meats, reduce the consumption of muffins, sweets, fatty and fried foods, salty foods. Eliminate from your diet all foods that contain harmful additives: preservatives, dyes, flavors.
How to increase potency at home using herbs
Of course, to increase potency in men at home quickly and for a long time, traditional healers recommend the use of medicinal plants.

The most powerful and effective of them are:
Remember that medicinal plants can have a powerful effect on the male body, comparable in strength to the use of serious drugs. At the same time, many prescriptions produce a positive effect only after several weeks of regular drug use.
And in the case of significant potency violations, plant decoctions, teas and tinctures are best used only as part of a complex therapy.
Other Popular Ways to Increase Power
If you're wondering how to increase potency at home, look for videos of folk recipes on the Internet, but remember, here it's best not to rely on your hunches about the causes of the disorders and how to treat them, but go to the doctor.

Especially if the decrease in potency is accompanied by other disturbing symptoms: pain, rashes and sores on Organs genitals, problems with urination and ejaculation.
Traditional healers recommend using not only medicinal plants but also animal products to restore potency. For example, deer antler extract, beaver flux and badger fat are very popular for persistent and long-term erection, increase libido and fertility.
Also, there are other ways to increase male potency at home:
Sometimes a decrease in potency is caused by irregular sex, a lack of prior interest in a partner, or a frequent change of women in a man's life. In that case, it is necessary to normalize the sex life as quickly as possible, after which, after a few days or weeks, the masculine strength will be restored.
Remember that only an integrated approach to solving the problem will help to increase potency at home using popular methods. Living a habitual lifestyle, poor diet, bad habits - all these will quickly reduce to zero the result of using old recipes.
But the regular use of the chosen medicine will help to achieve good results in improving men's health, if it is selected and applied correctly.